27th International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium

13.06. - 14.06.2024

Neutral Lightweight Engineering – Resilience through Technology Sovereignty

Partner country #India

Germany is a strong economic nation. We research, develop and produce far ahead in many areas, setting new standards every day. However, it is also true that new players are entering markets every day that were previously considered secure, thus challenging the self-image not only of European industrialised nations. We are faced with the growing challenge of renewing ourselves technologically ever faster on the one hand and overcoming excessive dependencies on the other. At the same time, we need reliable and strong partners at eye level who share both common interests and a common vision for the future in our multilateral world.

As the world’s most populous country, the resilient economic engine of an entire hemisphere and a sovereign counterweight to the ambitions of China and the USA, India is particularly suited to this cooperation in every respect. Our history impressively demonstrates that acting in partnership as equals is always to our mutual and long-term advantage. Against this background, it has always been the clearly formulated goal of the International Dresden Lightweight Symposium to bring together different points of view in one place at one time and thus promote international and interdisciplinary exchange. This year, the intercultural exchange will be enriched by a cultural programme organised by the Indian Association Dresden e.V. (IAD), which offers participants the opportunity to experience the rich Indian culture and tradition at first hand.

Lightweight engineering is a key global technology that brings together a large number of specialised disciplines along the entire value chain. According to the Dresden Model, neutral lightweight engineering is already having its greatest impact today in the creation of closed material and technology cycles and is therefore a leap technology for the circular economy of the future. This year, we want to discuss whether and how this can be realised in Europe, but also in India, together with more than 350 European and Indian partners and guests.

Take the opportunity to take part in this lively exchange between high-calibre representatives from science and industry as well as politics and society at the 27th International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium. Be there when the international pioneers of lightweight engineering meet again in Dresden to use the conference with its nine sessions along the development chain as a forum for trend-setting research and development activities.


THURSDAY, 13.06.2024

Concress Hall Hamburg  (A+B) | Chair of session: Prof. Dr. Maik Gude | Messe Dresden | Messering 7, 01067 Dresden, Deutschland

Plenary session

IAD - Indian Association Dresden e.V.

Musical welcome from the Indian community in Dresden

Prof. Dr. Maik Gude

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Lightweight Systems Engineering and MultiMaterial Design, Board


StM Sebastian Gemkow

Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism, Saxon State Minister for Science

Opening statement by the Free State of Saxony

Dr. Ramanuj Banerjee

Embassy of India, Berlin, Scientific Attaché/ Science Counsellor (Science & Technology)

Greetings from the Indian Embassy in Germany

Prof. Dr. Ronald Tetzlaff

TU Dresden, Chief Officer Technology Transfer and Internationalisation

Mutual international technology transfer - an important key task at the TU Dresden

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rödel

Dresden Concept e.V., Managing Director

DRESDEN-concept Science and Innovation Campus

Prof. Dr. Jan Weigand

CTC - Center for transformation of chemistry; TU Dresden, for Inorganic Molecular Chemistry

Changing the way we produce and use chemistry

Lasse Tiepelmann

Alstom S.A., Program Manager R&D

Application of composites for bogie structures: Requirements across global markets

Atul Suri

Independent Management Consultant

Sustainability in mobility – Opportunities barriers in the indian market


Coffee break

Dr. Philippe Dumazet

SABIC Europe B.V., Leader Strategy Advisor

Digital and green innovation as game changer supporting weight reduction and circular economy

Prof. Dr. Marzia Traverso

RWTH Aachen University - Institute of Sustainability in Civil Engineering, Professor and Head of Institute

Life cycle sustainability assessment for lightweight components in automotive sector

Prof. Dr. Rajappa Gnanamoorthy

Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chair of Mechanical Engineering

Sustainable materials for additive manufacturing

Dr. Olaf Täger, Alexander Bunjes²

Volkswagen AG, EKSR/3, ²Volkswagen EKAL/2

The variety of plastic recyclates - Challenges for the automotive industry



Session 1: Cutting-edge lightweight designs for resource-efficient products

Concress Hall Hamburg  (A) | Chair of session: Dr. Sebastian Spitzer | Messe Dresden

Prof. Dr. Wilko Flügge, Simon Backens²

Universität Rostock, Chair of Production Engineering, ²Fraunhofer Institute for Large Structures in Production Engineering IGP

Manufacturing approaches for lightweight construction in large structures

Soumya Chowdhury

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi , Research Fellow

Low-velocity impact behaviour of 3D woven fabric-reinforced composites

Prof. Dr. Christoph Haberstroh

TU Dresden, Chair of Cryotechnology

H2 storage for fossil-free mobility

Dr. Christian Garthaus

Herone GmbH, CTO

Functionalization of thermoplastic composite profiles: pioneering high-performance applications


Coffee break

Paul Hoffeins

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Head of Research Group Lightweight design

Sovereignty through circular design - Status: it's complicated

Prof. Dr. Kristin Paetzold-Byhain

TU Dresden, Chair of virtual product development

Virtual product development

Thomas Büttner, Jonny Fischer²

Saddlery Buettner, Founder and Owner, ²Saddlery Buettner, IT process management

New forms of designing and manufacturing of customised horse saddles

Dr. Bastian Brenken

Composites United, CTO

Circularity of fiber composites - Challenges and upcoming regulations


End of Session


Evening event

Session 2: Thermoplastics as a future oriented material basis

Concress Hall Hamburg  (B) | Chair of session: DI Alexander Liebsch | Messe Dresden

Dr. ir. Julien van Campen

TU Delft, Aerospace Structures and Materials department at Delft University of Technology, Assistant Professor

Lifecycle impact as design driver of composite parts

Hendrik Neuhaus

Catack-H, Director of Global Business Development

Closing the loop with sustainable carbon fiber from solvolysis

PhD Pedro P. Martin

Boeing Research & Technology Europe, Senior Materials Scientist

Potentials of thermoplastic composites for aviation

Reimund Grimm, Jonas Schmid²

Dieffenbacher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH, Sales Manager, ²Dieffenbacher Product Owner EVORIS

Production of thermoplastic composite components and the use of process data


Coffee break

Dr. Wolf-Christian Rumsch

inpro mbH, Head Digital Industry Solutions and Services

Streamlining inspection workflows for injection molding process validation

Peter Schneider

thoenes® Dichtungstechnik GmbH, Head of Research and Development

Thermoplastic fiber composite structures for agricultural applications

Magnus Buske

Plasmatreat GmbH, Global Leader für Research & Development

Potentials of plasma pre-treatment for lightweight construction - easier joining and functional surfaces

Dr. Klaus Fellner


Solutions for solving the challenges of recyclate processing in injection molding


End of Session


Evening event

FRIDAY, 14.06.2024 – Morning

Concress Hall Hamburg + Garden Hall | Messe Dresden│ Messering 7, 01067 Dresden, Deutschland

Session 3: Key technology: thermoset processing and reconditioning

Concress Hall Hamburg  (A) | Chair of session: Dr. Sirko Geller | Messe Dresden

Prof. Dr. Kathrin Harre

Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden, Chair of Technical Chemistry, Dean of Studies Chemical Engineering

Polyurethane - material for a bio-based circular economy

Prof. Dr. Axel Spickenheuer

Complex Fiber Structures GmbH, Managing Director

Development of a digital process chain for variable-axial composite components based on TFP technology

Thomas Wentzel

hi.work GmbH, Project Manager

Repair solutions for composite wind turbine blades


Coffee break

Thomas Leschik

Connova Deutschland GmbH, Managing Director

Challenges of integrating resilience in lightweight components for the hydrogen industry

Dr. Steven Nothhelfer

Polynt Composites Germany GmbH, Product developer

Sustainability and recycling of sheet moulding compounds (SMC)

Prof. Dr. B.K. Behera

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Professor in the Department of Textile and Fiber Engineering

Sustainable textile reinforcement through 3D weaving technology



Session 4: Digital sovereignty through data analysis and predictive modelling

Concress Hall Hamburg (B)  | Chair of session: Dr. Andreas Hornig | Messe Dresden

Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering, Board Spokesperson

Joint research centre for a circular product and material economy (CIRCECON)

Prof. Dr. Marius Swoboda

Rolls-Royce Deutschland, Chief Product Owner Digital – Engineering Solutions

Virtualization and data analysis for aero engine modelling

Dr. Marco Musto

Citrine Informatics, Senior Research Scientist

Accelerating materials development for sustainable technologies with artificial intelligence


Coffee break

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Nagel

TU Dresden, Founding Director Center for Interdisciplinary Digital Sciences

Big data analysis using HPC

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andre Haufe

DYNAmore GmbH - An ANSYS Company, Director Application Engineering

Certification by analysis: Some thoughts beyond the technical challenges

Dr. Daniel Brenner

Weidmüller GmbH & Co. KG, Head of monitoring for rotor blades

Structural health monitoring of rotor blades at wind turbines



Session 5: New Challenges in advanced lightweight applications

Garden Hall | Chair of session: Dr. Ilja Koch | Messe Dresden

Dr. Benedikt Haspel

Nordex Energy SE & Co. KG, Blade Development (BLE)

Challenges in rotor blade design to meet market demands and recyclability

Dr. Michael Müller-Pabel

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Deputy Head of Expert Group Thermoset Processing and Preforming

Novel micro-mechanical experiments to analyze the process-related fiber-matrix-interaction

Dr. Bhabani Kumar Satapathy

Department of Material Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Professor

Bilayered thermoplastic composite packaging concept: Integrating pH sensitivity, tear-proofing and permeation-resistance attributes


Coffee break

Scally Rommelfanger, David Schmidt²

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, , ²

Potential of simulation to identify vehicle components for the use of ecologically sustainable materials

Kay Kölzig


Natural fiber composites - Current potentials and challenges of a material class with the potential to compete in the million-ton glass fiber market

Prof. Dr. Volker Trappe

Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Head of polymer composites group

Advanced lightweight applications – Recycling versus reliability and fossil energy footprint



FRIDAY, 14.06.2024 – Afternoon

Concress Hall Hamburg + Garden Hall | Messe Dresden│ Messering 7, 01067 Dresden, Deutschland

Session 6: Innovative system solutions through function integration

Concress Hall Hamburg  (A) | Chair of session: Dr. Anja Winkler | Messe Dresden

Dr. Klaus Hecker

Organic and Printed Electronics Association - A Working Group within VDMA, Managing Director

Flexible and printed electronics: towards sustainable electronics

Lukas Kling

ALLOD Werkstoff GmbH & Co. KG, Application development

Function integration with Allruna-Compounds based on examples

Prof. Dr. Enes Sarradj

TU Berlin, Chair of technical acoustics

FLIER - Flexible lightweight structures for acoustic liners


Coffee break

Dr. Ayan Haldar

Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, Varanasi, India, Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering

Variable stiffness composites in lightweight and adaptive structures

Camille Tchitchi

Mercedes-Benz AG, RD/RTE Future Electric Drive

Sustainable electric architecture casings

Dr. Rohan Soman

Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery, Polish Acadamy of Science, Research Associate

Challenges and Opportunities offered by FBG sensors for structural health monitoring of composite structures

Session 7: Light metals and its hybridisation: New paths for established technologies

Concress Hall Hamburg  (B) | Chair of session: Dr. Thomas Behnisch | Messe Dresden

Prof. Dr. Naresh Datla

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Associate Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering

Multiscale composites for high performance applications

Kerstin Berndt

Vesuvius GmbH

Treatment and processing of alloys with salts and additives

Dr. Marcel Graf

CMMC GmbH, Managing Director

Novel particle-reinforced aluminum made from CMMC: a game changer for achieving bivalent resource efficiency through sustainable material solutions


Coffee break

Falk Liebsch

ONI Rhytemper, Managing Director

Directly reducing the CO2 footprint: Using energy-efficient temperature control for die-casting and injection moulding applications - potentials and advantages of HotPulse technology

Michael Göttlinger

Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft GmbH, Group Manager, Computational Engineering

Use of modern design and manufacturing methods for the energy-optimised production of structural components using the example of hybrid technology with the DuoCast die casting system

Tino Mrotzek

TU Dresden - Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Expert group special materials and processes

Efficiency and advantages of two-piston technology in vertical die casting

Sponsors and Gold + Platinum Partners

Fa. Happ
CG Rail