24th International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium

June 17-18, 2021



As early as 2010, the title of the Lightweight Engineering Symposium was „Sustainability as an innovation driver in efficient lightweight system construction“. The vision formulated at that time already described our world in striking detail. Lightweight engineering in general and the Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium in particular have long played a key role as drivers of ideas and innovation for resource-efficient, competitive and socially balanced economic activity.

Today, however, the way we live and consume is itself under debate. Often, the honest efforts to protect the climate are mixed up with the urgent demand for a socially just, globalised world. What is needed are the reliable guard rails called for in 2010, which are still developing too slowly.

What does the emission of a ton of CO2 into the atmosphere cost? A question that has only recently become part of the broad social debate. Every product, every process, every action needs a price that also reflects its ecological impact. Only in this way will we be able to use the highly dynamic forces of the market economy as catalysts for environmental protection and resource conservation. Savings will develop into a profitable business model worldwide. In this way, we can use the limited resources available to us to create a livable, socially just world for future generations.

More than ever, therefore, we need new, holistic technical-technological solutions that enable us to make a proactive contribution to reconciling growth and progress with environmental protection and resource conservation. There is a need for comprehensive approaches for the development, manufacture, use and recycling of technical structures with the aim of not exerting a lasting influence on our environment or the remaining global resource potential, or on our globalized society. We call this „resource-neutral lightweight design“. From today’s perspective, this approach is still an ideal concept that can only be partially realized with the technologies of our time, but which must determine our actions to a large extent.

The Lightweight Engineering Symposium 2021 is entirely dedicated to this idea. Innovative examples of successful „cradle-to-cradle“ approaches will be presented, but also open flows of recyclable materials will be shown and approaches to their sensible recycling will be discussed. Current developments in life cycle assessment as well as their embedding in a continuous CAD-CAM workflow will be presented in an exemplary manner and will be visualized in the context of concrete product developments. „Adding value by saving resources“ – this is the basic tenor of all the technical and overview presentations, which are intended to give you new ideas and concrete approaches for your own work on resource-neutral lightweight design.

The 24th International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium 2021 is particularly suitable for this purpose as it is a firmly established discussion platform for the transfer of knowledge and experience between academia, industry and politics and serves as a forum for the cross-material and cross-product, trend-setting brainstorming of ideas under the aspects of resource-neutral lightweight design.


THURSDAY, 17.06.2021

Resource neutral lightweight design – Adding value by saving resources

9:00 am
Prof. Dr. Maik Gude

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, Board Spokesperson


9:10 am
Prof. Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger

Rector of TU Dresden


9:20 am
Sebastian Gemkow

Saxon State Minister, Areas of Science, Higher Education and Research


9:30 am
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schlichter

Institut für Textiltechnik Augsburg gGmbH, Head of Institute, Composite United e. V., Strategy Group Sustainability

Industrial recycling potentials as enablers for ecological sustainable lightweight engineering

9:55 am
Albin Kälin

EPEA Switzerland GmbH, Chief Executive Officer

Cradle to Cradle® Design Innovations – Rethinking the way we make things

10:20 am
Prof. Dr. Hans-Josef Endres

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Institute of Plastics and Circular Economy, Head of Institute

Future-oriented material approaches - lightweight engineering, bioplastics, biocomposites, recyclates

10:45 am


11:00 am
Dr. Jörg Au

Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG, Member of Board of Directors, Chief Engineer – Business Aviation und Engineering Director

Rolls-Royce "Net Zero Commitment by 2050" for pioneering propulsion technologies

11:25 am
Dr. Beate Kummer

Kummer umwelt:kommunikation GmbH, Chief Executive Officer

Lightweight design at any price? Consequences and requirements for the use of new high-performance composite materials

11:50 am
Dr. Fabian Fischer

Volkswagen AG, Group Innovation, Department Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Head of Department Manufacturing Processes

Sustainable lightweight design for the vehicle structure

12:15 am

Lunch break

1:15 pm
MinR Werner Loscheider1), Dr. Bastian Brenken2), Albin Kälin3), Dr. Beate Kummer4), Prof. Dr. Maik Gude5), Prof. Dr. Hubert Jäger (host)5)

1)Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, 2)Composite United Nord, 3)EPEA Switzerland GmbH, 4)Kummer umwelt:kommunikation GmbH, 5)TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology

Panel discussion

2:00 pm
Dr. Robert Kupfer*, Prof. Dr. Maik Gude**

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, *Head of Research Group Joining Technology, **Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, Board Spokesperson

Sustainable Lightweight Engineering – NEWtral Lightweight design

2:25 pm


2:35 pm
Prof. Dr. Antonio Hurtado

TU Dresden, Institute of Power Engineering, Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy

Hydrogen strategy of the TU Dresden: Element of sustainable technology development

3:00 pm
Dr. Stefan Caba

EDAG Engineering GmbH, Head of Competence Center Sustainable Vehicle Development

Resource efficiency through reusable lightweight vehicle structures

3:25 pm
Dr. Niklas Garoff

Stora Enso, Business Development Manager

Green carbon fibres - on the way to sustainable lightweight design

3:50 pm
Prof. Dr. Kathrin Greiff

RWTH Aachen, Department of Anthropogenic Material Cycles, Head of Department

More than recycling - potentials and challenges of the circular economy

4:15 pm
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering


Lightweighting Lounge

11:00 Uhr
Eckart Kunze

ILK Research Group Thermoset Processes and Preforming

Adaptive handling as part of a preforming process chain with end-to-end quality control

11:15 Uhr
Holger Böhm

ILK Research Group Numerical Methods and Simulation

Digital twins of engine systems considering real geometry effects for high-fidelity analyses using HPC

11:30 Uhr
Dr. Christoph Ebert

ILK Research Group Material Models / Test Methods and Experiment

Bird strike on laboratory scale

11:45 Uhr
Dr. Thomas Behnisch

ILK Research Group Special Materials, Processes

High temperature rotors made of carbon fibre reinforced carbon

12:00 Uhr
Christian Vogel

ILK Research Group Joining Technology

Thermoclining - Joining of continuous fiber reinforced thermoplastic composites with metallic components

12:15 Uhr
Simon Eckardt

ILK Research Group Thermoplastic Processes

Technology development for the continuous manufacturing of cfrtp hollow profiles

12:30 Uhr
Daniel Köhler

ILK Research Group Joining Technology

The inner life of a clinch point - tensile shear test in in-situ CT

12:45 Uhr
Philip Steinbild

ILK Research Group Functional integration

Efficiency in cross-country skiing by means of function integration

13:00 Uhr
Dr. Robert Gottwald

ILK Research Group Lightweight Design

Hybrid designs for highly stressed composites structures

13:15 Uhr
Antonio Becke

ILK Research Group Thermoplastic Processes

New thermoplastic fiber-reinforced composites with high-quality surfaces

13:30 Uhr
Sirko Geller

ILK Research Group Thermoset Processes and Preforming

Customized composite parts by 3D printing of continous fibre-reinforced composites structures based on UV-curing resins

13:45 Uhr
Dr. Marco Zichner

ILK Technology Transfer Office

Methods and programs for technology transfer between university and industry

14:00 Uhr
Karsten Tittmann

ILK Research Group Thermoset Processes and Preforming

Is selective fixing of textiles possible? Yes, by lasers!

14:15 Uhr
Andreas Borowski

ILK Research Group Special Materials, Processes

Additive manufacturing of continous fibre reinforced polymers

14:30 Uhr
Juliane Troschitz

ILK Research Group Joining Technology

multifunctional interfaces for joining FRP with metals

14:45 Uhr
Christian Vogel

ILK Research Group Joining Technology

Bio-based lightweight hollow profiles with braided wood tapes

15:00 Uhr
Yuanxi Liu

ILK Research Group Joining Technology

Cellulose based composites for injection moulding

15:15 Uhr
Tom Ehring

ILK Research Group Functional integration

Small changes with big effect - CCLD as novel damping treatment

15:30 Uhr
Moritz Neubauer

ILK Research Group Functional integration

Breezy, light and quiet

15:45 Uhr
Tim Bätzel

ILK Research Group Numerical Methods and Simulation

Impact loaded aerospace components with integrated sensors and actuators

16:00 Uhr
Tobias Lebelt

ILK Research Group Thermoplastic Processes

Multi-functional high-performance profile systems in intrinsically manufactured metal-composite design

FRIDAY, 18.06.2021

Session 1: Resource-efficient lightweight engineering technologies

9:00 am
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering


9:10 am
Dr. Daniel Weck

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology

Research platform FOREL- Resource-efficient and reliable production of lightweight structures

9:35 am
Ingolf Seifert, Josephine Dehmel

3D Interaction Technologies GmbH, Chief Executive Officer

Virtual twins of machines and facilities for the education of process mechanics

10:00 am
Dr. Said Jamei

Mercedes-Benz AG, Group Research, Future Technologies

Digital Process Chain for Simulation and Optimizing of Joining Technology in the BiW

10:25 am


10:35 am
Robert Thomas

Volkswagen AG, Group Innovation Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Metal-fibre composite hybrid structures for electrified large-scale production

11:00 am
Dr. Maximilian Koerdt

Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co KG

Efficient process chain for complex metal-polymer hybrids

11:25 am
Dr. Michael Krahl

ANYBRID GmbH, Chief Executive Officer

Increasing process and resource efficiency through inline hybridisation

11:50 am
Dr. Lars Penter

TU Dresden, Institute of Mechatronic Engineering, Chair of Machine Tools Development and Adaptive Controls, Head of the Machine Technology

Generative manufacturing of multi-material lightweight structures and tooling systems

12:15 am

Lunch break

1:15 pm
Dr. Thomas Krampitz

TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Mineral Processing Machines

Challenges in recycling multi-material wind turbine blades and recovery strategy

1:40 pm
Dr. Jochen Pflug

ThermHex Waben GmbH, Chief Executive Officer

Increasing resource efficiency in sandwich structures through thermoplastic material systems

2:05 pm
Kai Steinbach*, Michael Ruf**

*Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH, Head of Engineering, ** BMW AG, Hydrogen Supply

Packaging-efficient hydrogen storage systems based on functionalised thermoplastic composite structures

2:30 pm
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering

Session 5: Ceremony of the ACL Young Talent Award

Session 2: Technology transfer lightweight design

9:00 am
Prof. Dr. Maik Gude

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, Board Spokesperson


9:10 am
MinR Werner Loscheider

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, Consultant for Construction Industry, Lightweight Engineering/New Materials, Resource Efficiency

The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy’s Lightweighting Initiative and Technology Transfer Programme (TTP) - in focus

9:35 am
Thomas Doll

RUCH NOVAPLAST GmbH, Chief Technology Officer

Development of efficient process technologies within the closed material cycle of particle foam (GEPART)

10:00 am
Dr. Christian Weidermann (inquired)

Siemens AG, Multiphysics Professional/ Project & team leader

Lightweight engineering technologies in cross-life cycle products of the energy transition (LIKE)

10:25 am


10:35 am
Peter Schneider

thoenes® Dichtungstechnik GmbH, Head of research and development

Lightweight multi-material extension arm for increasing the performance of large-area fertiliser spreaders (LE2GRO), (inquired)

11:00 am
Rebecca Bräuer

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology

Methods and technologies for validating and optimising the resource efficiency of process networks in the manufacture of hybrid lightweight structures (METEOR)

11:25 am
Dr. Philipp Kellner (inquired)

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Specialist in Preliminary Development

Intelligent battery protection system for electric vehicles to detect unwanted mechanical damage (I-DETEKT)

11:50 am
Toni Kreßner

Hörmann Vehicle Engineering GmbH, Team Leader Composite Engineering

Resource-efficient lightweight engineering solutions based on novel fibre composite semi-finished products with bionically optimised fibre orientation (RESOLVE)

12:15 am

Lunch break

1:15 pm
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Fleischer

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), wbk Institute for Production Engineering, Institute Director

Systematic product development process for the dedikated exploitation of lightweight design potentials (SyProLei)

1:40 pm
Philipp Frey, Robert Schulte, Dr. Michael Lechner, Prof. Dr. Marion Merklein*

FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Chair of Manufacturing Technology, *Chair holder

Hybrid and highly cross-linked production for resource-efficient lightweight components (HyConnect)

2:05 pm
Prof. Dr. Maik Gude

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, Board Spokesperson

National Lightweight Technology Validation Center (LEIV)

2:30 pm


2:30 pm
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering

Session 5: Ceremony of the ACL Young Talent Award

Session 3: Climate-friendly aviation

9:00 am
Dr. Albert Langkamp

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology


9:10 am
Heike Hempel, Dr. Peter Lucas

Saxon State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport

Hydrogen economy in Saxony

9:35 am
Prof. Dr. Andreas Timmermann

Berlin-Brandenburg Aerospace Allianz e.V., Executive Managing Board

Berlin-Brandenburg: Competence region for low-emission aviation

10:00 am
Prof. Dr. Johannes Markmiller

TU Dresden, Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Holder of Chair of Aircraft Engineering

Aviation research at the TU Dresden

10:25 am


10:35 am
Prof. Dr. Klaus Höschler

BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Holder of Chair of Aeroengine Design

CHESCO - Center for Hybrid Electric Systems Cottbus

11:00 am
Prof. Dr. Lars Enghardt

DLR Institute of Electrified Aero Engines, Direktor

New DLR Institute of Electrified Aero Engines in Cottbus

11:25 am
Phillip Scheffel

APUS Group, Chief Executive Officer

Research and demonstrator aircraft APUS i-5 H and APUS i-5 H2

11:50 am
Prof. Dr. Dirk Lindackers1), Prof. Dr. Christoph Haberstroh2), Prof. Dr. Jens Morgenstern3), Dr. Paul Saß4), Dr. Hagen Schmidt5)

1) Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Head of Research Technology, 2) TU Dresden, Institute of Power Engineering, Bitzer Chair of Refrigeration, Cryogenics and Compressor Technology, Head of the Cryogenic Group, 3) HTW Dresden, Division Energy Technology/Physics, Technical Thermodynamics, 4) ScIDre GmbH, Associate director, 5) Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, Leader Surface Dynamics

HyLiq – Dresden Centre of Competence for Liquid Hydrogen

12:15 am

Lunch break

1:15 pm
Adolfo Lange

Linde GmbH, Sales Manager

Development trends of liquid hydrogen

1:40 pm
Dr. Sebastian Spitzer

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Head of Research Group Lightweight Design

Hydrogen storage and supply for aircraft of the future

2:05 pm
Dr. Martin Boll

Rolls-Royce Electrical, Integrated Program Team Lead - Urban Air Mobility

Electric propulsion systems for eVTOLs

2:30 pm
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering

Session 5: Ceremony of the ACL Young Talent Award

Session 4: Leichtbauland Sachsen

9:00 am
Prof. Dr. Hubert Jäger

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Holder of Chair of Lightweight Systems Engineering and Multi-Material Design


9:10 am
Dr. Silvio Nebel

IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH, Head of Department Aerospace Test

Saxon tradition of lightweight engineering: cornerstone for sustainable aviation

9:35 am
Dr. Jens Katzek

Automotive Cluster Ostdeutschland GmbH, Chief Executive Officer

Options for increasing sustainability from the perspective of the East German automotive industry

10:00 am
Dr. Karsten Wippler*, Prof. Dr. Andreas Ulbricht**

*Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH, Chief Executive Officer, **CG Rail GmbH, Chief Executive Officer

Lightweight engineering - innovation driver for Saxon rail vehicle technology

10:25 am


10:35 am
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Prahl

TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute for Metal Forming, Institute Director

Integrative computational materials engineering: concepts and applications of a modular simulation platform

11:00 am
Prof. Dr. Julia Hufenbach

Leibnitz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden and TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Chair of Materials Functionalisation

Novel steel alloys for the additive manufacturing of tools

11:25 am
Dr. Ilja Koch

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Leader of Research Group Test Methods and Material Models

System reliability as the key to ecological and sustainable products

11:50 am
Dr. Philipp Klimant

TU Chemnitz, Professorship Production Systems and Process, Chief Executive Engineer

Smart and efficient production based on consistent data models

12:15 am

Lunch break

1:15 pm
Magdalena Heibeck

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology

Contribution to the estimation of the recyclability of multi-material structures focusing on modelling of disintegration comminution

1:40 pm
Prof. Dr. Lothar Kroll

TU Chemnitz, Institute of Lightweight Structures, Head of Institute

Trilateral CircEcon Campus: GHG-neutral circular economy in Lusatia

2:05 pm
Dr. Marco Zichner

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology

Leichtbauland Sachsen - Our vision of neutral lightweight engineering

2:30 pm
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering

Session 5: Ceremony of the ACL Young Talent Award

Session 5: Dresden Lightweight Alumni – Trend-Setting Across All Industries

9:00 am
Dr. Martin Dannemann

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Leader of Research Group Functional integration


9:10 am
Dr. Mike Thieme

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology

The ILK alumni network in entertaining diagrams

9:35 am
Wilhelm Woigk

ETH Zürich, Department of Materials, Complex Materials

Natural fibre composites structured at multiple length scales for high stiffness, damping and sustainability

10:00 am
Carolin Siegel

TU Dresden, Institute of Natural Materials Technology, Chair of Wood and Fibre Material Technology

The manifold use of wood in lightweight engineering

10:25 am


10:35 am
Dr. Robert Gerlach

Threebility UG

Threebility: Designing sustainable products

11:00 am
Mario Valverde

University of Bristol, Department of Aerospace Engineering

Modelling the consolidation at the interface in overmoulded parts

11:25 am
Dr. Shahan Tutunjian


Welding of thermoplastic composites - A contribution to save resources

11:50 am
Dr. Angelos Filippatos

TU Dresden, Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM)

Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM) - Efficient material solutions for function-integrative lightweight engineering

12:15 am

Lunch break

1:15 pm
Max Vater

TU Dresden, Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group

Boysen-TU Dresden-Research Training Group‚ Mobility in transition

1:40 pm
Sabine Müller

Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH

When I look back over the last 5 years...

2:05 pm
Sebastian Prengel

SCABA GmbH, Chief Executive Officer

Customised battery systems for mobile and stationary applications

2:30 pm
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

Technische Universität Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering

Ceremony of the ACL Young Talent Award

3:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Maik Gude, Prof. Dr. Werner Hufenbach, Prof. Dr. Hubert Jäger, Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

Technische Universität Dresden, Board of the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology


Session 6: Lightweighting Lounge

9:15 Uhr
Daniel Wohlfahrt

ILK Research Group Thermoset Processes and Preforming

Novel pultrusion process for rebars with helix-shaped profiling

9:30 Uhr
Benjamin Gröger

ILK Research Group Numerical Methods and Simulation

Numerical and experimental analysis of fibre rearrangements during manufacturing processes

9:45 Uhr
Romy Peters

ILK Research Group Special Materials, Processes

Carbon fibre vision in RCCF Saxony

10:00 Uhr
Felix Bonn

ILK Research Group Thermoplastic Processes

Economical production of thermoplastic composites in small volumes

10:15 Uhr
Kurt Böhme

ILK Research Group Thermoplastic Processes

Design of an injection molded stator carrier with integration of the coils considering NVH, EMC & cooling requirements.

10:30 Uhr
Martin Helwig

ILK Research Group Functional integration

Wireless charging instead of cable spaghetti

10:45 Uhr
Gordon Just

ILK Research Group Material Models / Test Methods and Experiment

The connected bicycle

11:00 Uhr
Prof. Niels Modler

ILK Teaching Office

Training and further education at the ILK

11:15 Uhr
Jan Luft

ILK Research Group Joining Technology

Properties of the interface in overmoulded composite structures

11:30 Uhr
Florian Lehmann

ILK Research Group Functional integration

A plug for all cases

11:45 Uhr
Paul Schulz

ILK Research Group Material Models / Test Methods and Experiment

Find the defect - porosites in 3D printed metals

12:00 Uhr
Philip Steinbild

ILK Research Group Functional integration

Electrified and Damped Vibrating Tampers

12:15 Uhr
Dr. Mike Thieme

ILK Research Group Material Models / Test Methods and Experiment

Probabilistics in materials science

12:30 Uhr
Richard Grothe

ILK Research Group Joining Technology

High-performance radial impeller in metal-fibre composite design - from research to industrial application

12:45 Uhr
Daniel Haider

ILK Research Group Thermoplastic Processes

Efficient and robust development, validation and production processes for hybrid metal-fiber composite structures

13:00 Uhr
Michael Schiffner

Research Group Lightweight Design

Holistic development of autonomous driving vehicle systems

13:15 Uhr
Moritz Kuhtz

ILK Research Group Numerical Methods and Simulation

Efficient design strategies for crash and impact loaded lightweight structural components

13:30 Uhr
Dr. Anja Winkler

ILK Research Group Functional integration

Engineers of the future (juniorIng Sachsen e.V.)

13:45 Uhr
Paul Hoffeins

ILK Research Group Functional integration

Environmentally conscious design: Life cycle thinking as a basis for ecological requirements

14:00 Uhr
Tim Bätzel

ILK Research Group Functional integration

Electromobility - 1000 km and beyond

14:15 Uhr
Alexander Liebsch

ILK Research Group Special Materials, Processes

Large-scale 3D printing

14:30 Uhr
Sebastian Spitzer

Research Group Lightweight Design

Development of lightweight structures in the context of digitalisation