June 25 - 26, 2014
Hosted by the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) at Technische Universität Dresden, the Dresden International Lightweight Engineering Symposium is an established platform for the discussion of cross-sector, cross-product knowledge transfer between academia and industry. Ever since its inception in 1997, the event has been founded on the principles of the Dresden Model – a recognized national and international benchmark based on “function-integrating lightweight engineering in multi-material design” and the inherent material and energy efficiency thereof.
Irrespective of the sector in which they operate, manufacturing firms are moving towards the factory of the future along a path characterized by not only a trend towards increasing digitalization, but also a pioneering vision of continued growth in productivity driven by a blend of industrial manufacturing and IT. The implementation of this idea in specific practical scenarios requires a level of interdisciplinary expertise and creativity which is substantial enough to enable the development of innovative solutions in a variety of areas of application at the cutting edge of research and development. This hybrid approach therefore represents a key means of sustainably strengthening industrial regions in the face of global competition, and sees technology adopt a new social dimension – with people at its heart. In addition to higher profitability and value creation, this also places greater emphasis on the idea of public value. In particular, social contributions and benefits need to be turned into striking regional trademarks, thus ensuring that the respective location is strengthened across a number of layers. It is worth noting here that “Industry 4.0” is a core component of the German government’s high-tech strategy. Because it is important to counter the creeping industrialization of Europe including Germany.
Networked, borderless thought and action is set to herald a paradigm shift throughout society. As such, and in contrast with today’s situation, the value added by the sustainable innovations of the future will be determined to a far greater extent by the degree to which those innovations are appreciated amongst society and the contribution they make to it. This will apply both nationally and internationally. It is for these reasons that strategic, globally-oriented cooperations between academia and industry which are characterized by excellent networking and at the same time by social competence have a key role to play in the sustainable strengthening of a location.
With this in mind, it is vital that high-tech locations not only establish themselves on the global stage, but also expand their strengths in a targeted way. This requires both industry and academia to continuously push forward innovations across a range of sectors and bring them to market in an appropriate way. In the case of industrialized countries – and in particular leading export nations such as Germany with its high standard of living and ageing population – this is set to become a key factor in the volatile process of competing and succeeding on the market.
As such, it is logical that this year’s international symposium should focus on the theme of “Innovative Lightweight Engineering Solutions as a Key to Strengthening Locations” within the context of global competition. Both the type of lightweight engineering solutions in question and accompanying high-end technologies tap into a sustainable source of growth, jobs and prosperity, with resource-efficient, integrated lightweight engineering playing a particularly important role. This well-established, synergetic event for lightweight engineering specialists serves as a forum for not only trailblazing research and development activities, but also new, future-proof business segments. This in turn enables participants to identify ways of transforming the global challenges at the threshold of the fourth industrial revolution into opportunities to continue strengthening our competitiveness.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Prof. E.h. Dr. h.c. Werner A. HufenbachEvening get-together in the garden of the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts in cooperation with the partner event Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben – EEE2014.
6.00 pm to 10.00 pm
Address: Brühlsche Terrasse 1, Dresden
09:30 | Hufenbach, Werner, Prof. Dr. Technische Universität Dresden Director of the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology Greeting & introduction |
09:40 | Müller-Steinhagen, Hans, Prof. Dr. Technische Universität Dresden Rector Welcome address |
09:50 | Morlok, Sven Free State of Saxony State Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport Welcome address |
10:00 | Kurzydłowski, Krzysztof J., Prof. Dr. Warsaw University of Technology Materials Design Division German-Polish cooperation in the field of material and technological development – a paradigm for Europe |
10:30 | Welsch, Frank, Dr. Škoda Auto Member of the Board of Management for Technical Development 119 years of Škoda – the significance of locational quality, brand management and group networking |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:30 | Bülow, Siegfried Porsche Leipzig GmbH Chairman of the Executive Board Porsche Leipzig – a success story |
12:00 | Achatz, Reinhold, Dr. Thyssen Krupp AG Head of Corporate Function Technology, Innovation & Sustainability The importance of lightweight engineering for ThyssenKrupp |
12:30 | Klingner, Matthias, Prof. Dr. Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI Institute Director AutoTram® Extra Grand – lightweight bus-trams for public transport networks |
13:00 | Lunch break |
14:00 | Bürkle, Erwin, Dr. VDI Technical Committee on Production Technology for Fibre-Composite Materials Holding the mirror up to fibre-reinforced materials – reflections on the state of the art |
14:30 | Kainer, Karl Ulrich, Prof. Dr. Centre for Materials and Coastal Research Head of Magnesium Innovations Center MagIC Potential of magnesium materials for sustainable lightweight engineering |
15:00 | Singer, Robert F., Prof. Dr. Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Chair of Metals Science and Technology (WTM) Trends in the casting and powder metallurgy of lightweight metals |
15:30 | Coffee break |
16:00 | Götzinger, Bruno MAGNA STEYR Engineering AG & Co KG CULT – Cars Ultra Light Technologies |
16:30 | Kucmin, Janusz Bombardier Transportation Poland Chief Country Representative Weight management and lightweight engineering in rail vehicle development |
17:00 | Glöckner, Hans Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau GmbH Multi-Material-Design of the interior work of super yachts – a symbiosis of construction and emotion |
17:30 | End of the first day of lectures |
Accompanying specialist exhibition and poster show in the Wandelhalle at the Deutsches Hygienemuseum | |
20:00 | Evening event at the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), TU Dresden Awarding of the Lightweight Engineering Graduate Prize by Akademischer Club Leichtbau an der TU Dresden e.V. (ACL) Address: Dürerstraße 26, 01307 Dresden |
09:00 | Gude, Maik, Prof. Dr. TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment The FOREL technology platform as a springboard for the high-tech industry |
09:30 | John, Reiner Infineon Technologies AG Director R&D Funding & Project Coordination Semiconductor technology as a key to efficient, reliable, cost-effective electric mobility |
10:00 | Burkhardt, Yves, Dr. Siemens AG Corporate Technology Using a high degree of integration to implement systematic lightweight engineering in electrical drive trains |
10:30 | Coffee break |
11:00 | Modler, Niels, Prof. Dr. ; Wiemer*, Hajo, Dr. TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering *Institute of Machine Tools and Control Engineering The efficient development of process chains for function-integrative multi-material structures |
11:30 | Meschut, Gerson, Prof. Dr.; Augenthaler, Florian University of Paderborn Laboratory for Material and Joining Technology Efficient joining technologies for hybrid lightweight structures |
12:00 | Sobczak, Jerzy Józef, Prof. Dr. Foundry Research Institute Krakow General Director Regional and global developments in foundry industry for the enhancement of the lightweight design potential |
12:30 | Lunch break |
13:30 | Lorek, Jacek; Renner*, Ole; Czulak+, Andrzej, Dr.; Geller+, Sirko CEO of New Era Materials Sp. z o.o. *Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH +TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology RPM and TSF – New techniques for the simplified manufacturing of thermosetting fibre-composite structures |
14:00 | Leyens, Christoph, Prof. Dr. TU Dresden – Institute of Materials Science The Twenty20 project “Additive-generative manufacturing” – opportunities and challenges |
14:30 | Uhl, Tadeusz, Prof. Dr. AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow From multiscale simulation to industrial application |
15:00 | Coffee break |
15:30 | Fröschle, Mathias; Steinbach*, Kai; Wenzel+, Henryk; Maaß#, Johann Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG *Mitras Composites Systems GmbH +Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH #TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology 3D hybrid lightweight engineering technology – a novel hybrid steel-GFRP design for bodywork structures subjected to high loading |
16:00 | Wollenweber, Ulrich AOA Apparatebau Gauting GmbH Head of Research and Technology Lightweight engineering based on high-performance polymers – a practical example from the aerospace industry |
16:30 | Renner, Ole; Beyer, Jörg; Freund, Andreas Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH Compact high-performance CFRP structures for the aerospace industry |
17:00 | Hufenbach, Werner, Prof. Dr. Closing address |
18:00 Evening get-together in the garden of the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts,
Address: Brühlsche Terrasse 1, Dresden
20:00 Evening event at the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) with the Polish Band “Irish Jam”
Address: Dürerstraße 28, Dresden
Tour “Deutsches Hygiene Museum”
You will first visit the Deutsche Hygiene Museum with its permanent exhibition “Human Adventure”. Afterwards you will be taken through the park “Großer Garten”, which is Dresden’s most famous park, by the Park Railway. Finally you will have a coffee in the park “Großer Garten”.
Meeting point: Thursday, 02:00 pm at conference office “Deutsches Hygiene Museum”
Electric car tours in the context of
“Schaufensterregion Elektromobilität” Bavaria – Saxony
City tour “Dresden – City of the Renaissance”
Meeting point: Thursday, 03:30 pm at the “Fürstenzug” / Dresden Castle
Guided visit of the Dresden “Frauenkirche”
Meeting point: Friday, 10:00 am at the “Frauenkirche”
© Thomas Klewe
Die lebendige Atmosphäre eines europaweit bekannten Museums und die vielfältigen Raumangebote eines Architekturdenkmals der Klassischen Moderne bieten eine unverwechselbare Location für das 21. Internationale Dresdner Leichtbausymposium 2017. Die zentrale und doch ruhige Lage zwischen der Altstadt mit Frauenkirche, Zwinger und Semperoper und dem Großen Garten, der zentralen Parkanlage Dresdens, machen das Deutsche Hygiene-Museum zu einem ganz besonderen Ort. Die Gründung des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums (1912) geht zurück auf eine Initiative des Dresdner Industriellen und Odol-Fabrikanten Karl August Lingner (1861-1916). Lingner hatte 1911 zu den Protagonisten der I. Internationalen Hygiene-Ausstellung gehört, zu der über fünf Millionen Besucher nach Dresden gekommen waren.