22nd International Dresden Lightweighting Symposium

June 14 - 15, 2018

Hybrid Lightweighting – key for growth 2030

As a society and an industrial nation, how can we respond to the global megatrends of our time in a way that ensures long-term success? We are all more than familiar with related buzzwords such as digitalisation, urbanisation, mobility and resource availability – and how could we fail to be given the almost inflationary frequency with which they are used. We nevertheless ignore them at our peril, as they clearly signpost the way in which our world is set to develop. Our vision of 2030 might not yet be either fully rounded or crystal clear, but, to borrow the words of Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926):

The future reveals itself to us long before it happens.

It is against this backdrop that we will take this year’s event as an opportunity to not only present novel materials, technologies and systems, but also join you in a critical discussion of their ability to cope with the challenges of the future. The motto of the 22nd Dresden International Lightweight En-gineering Symposium – “Integrated lightweight engineering – the key to growth in 2030” – is inten-tionally broad in scope, as Germany and Europe are no longer the only players setting the pace in the field of resource-efficient lightweight engineering. Countries such as China, Singapore and the Re-public of Korea already possess the economic strength and forward-thinking strategies to open up the markets of the future and develop the intelligent, cost-efficient solutions those new markets demand. The European approach must therefore be one of exchange and cooperation rather than isolation. Given its focus on eastern partner countries in recent years, the Dresden International Lightweight Engineering Symposium is in a unique position to provide a promising springboard for this strategic approach.

In the case of the Republic of Korea in particular, Dresden and the surrounding region can look back on a long, intensive partnership that has led to friendly cooperation on many different levels. To give an example, the Korea-Germany Materials Center (KGMC) in Changwon sees German and South Korean scientists jointly develop new material systems, manufacturing techniques, tailored engineer-ing methods and test and validation procedures for applications in the field of “function-integrative lightweight engineering in multi-material design”. The aim must now be to forge the outstanding experience gained within the framework of cooperative research and development activities into a foundation for the establishment of joint value chains offering mutual benefits. After all, globally networked high-end technologies and corresponding production chains have a vital role to play if integrated lightweight engineering is to tap into a sustainable source of growth, jobs, prosperity and, in turn, social justice.

Now in its 22nd year, the Dresden International Lightweight Engineering Symposium is a firmly estab-lished platform for the transfer of cross-sector, cross-product knowledge and experience between science, industry, society and the political sphere. In particular, it gives lightweight engineers a syn-ergetic forum for the discussion of research and development activities and the forging of new inter-national business ties. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will be especially keen to take advantage of our exclusive package, which provides access to strong partners in the shape of both the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and its Korean counterpart, KOTRA.
Partnership between equals offers one thing above all: Opportunities. It is therefore our pleasure to invite you to join us in exploring a host of those opportunities here in the city of Dresden – an inter-nationally renowned centre for culture and high technology with a University of Excellence and a host of top-class non-university research institutions.


Thursday, June 14th 2018

The first day of the symposium places special emphasis on strategic issues. High-ranking German and Korean representatives from the worlds of politics and science will be joining us to discuss the future role of integrated lightweight engineering.
Jäger, Hubert, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Technische Universität Dresden, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology

Opening address

Müller-Steinhagen, Hans, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. DEng / Auckland Dr. h.c. / Brno Dr. h.c. / Dankook

Technische Universität Dresden, Rektor

Welcome address

Gaul, Uwe, Dipl.-Päd.

Saxon State Ministry of Science and Art, Secretary of State

Welcome address

Jong, Bum Goo, S.E. Dr.

Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

Welcome address

Kim, Yootae

Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), Director of European Headquarter

Why Korea?

Hilbert, Dirk

Major of the City of Dresden

Transforming Dresden into a smart city

Loscheider, Werner

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), Head of Department IVB4 „Construction Sector, Resource Efficiency and Lightweight Engineering“

The German Federal Government’s lightweight engineering strategy



Rhyim, Youngmok, Dr.

Korea Evaluation Institute Technology (KEIT), Metallic Materials Program Director

Lightweight Material R&D Policy and Projects of MOTIE (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)

Büter, Andreas, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF, Managing Director of the Fraunhofer Lightweight Design Alliance

Digitalization and lightweight design

Hoene, Albrecht, Dr.

KUKA Deutschland GmbH, Director Human Robot Collaboration Research & Development

Digitalization as challenge

Modler*, Niels, Prof. Dr.-Ing., Röllig, Barbara, Dipl.-Ing.

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Board*

Awarding of the ACL Young Talent Award


Lunch break

Brandenburg, Torsten, Dr.

Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA)

Future raw material availability

Fleischer, J.; Schäfer, M.

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), wbk Institut für Produktionstechnik

Modulare Produktionsanlagen für den hybriden Leichtbau



Memmler, Michael

German Environment Agency (UBA), Energy Supply and Data

Energy Mix in Germany – Current Developments and Outlook to 2030

Gundling, Alexander

Carbon Composites e.V., Managing Director of Carbon Composites e.V.

Education initiative of the Carbon Composites e.V.

Gude, Maik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.

Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment

Resource-efficient lightweight engineering for the mobility sector: changes-forecast-transfer


Evening event – Paddle steamer trip

Friday, June 15th 2018

The second day shifts the focus of the symposium onto specialist presentations given by selected speakers. Leading industrial figures will be in Dresden to offer in-depth insights into their respective areas of expertise.
Gude, Maik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil.

Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment

Summary of day 1 of the symposium

Ku, Bon-Cheol, Prof.

Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Head of Carbon Composite Materials Research Center

Initiative of carbon fiber for lightweight Composites

Park, Ji-Sang, Dr.

Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Head of Composite Structures & System Department

Challenges of lightweight composite technology for next-generation large wind turbines

Kellner, Philipp, Dr.

Dr. Ing. h.c. Porsche AG, Specialist in Preliminary Development

Hybrid Structures as a Contribution to the Future Lightweight Body



Kroos, Joachim, Dr. rer. nat.; Klose*, Frank, Dr. rer. nat.

Salzgitter AG, Director of Technical Customer Services, Head of Materials and Process Development*

Lightweight Steel Construction – Key technology today and tomorrow

von Reden, Tjark, Dr.-Ing.

Carbon Composites e.V., Deputy Managing Director

Latest developments in CFRP recycling and recovery


Lunch break

Dittmar*, Harri; Gorbach, Gabrielle, Dr.; Dwenger, Stefan, Dr.

ElringKlinger AG*, Global Business Development

Hybrid lightweight structures – from development to serial production

Kawalla, Rudolf, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. E.h. mult.

Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, Vice-Rector for Research, Director of the Institute of Metal Forming, Chair of Forming Technology

The Saxon Lightweight Engineering Alliance



Krahl, Michael, Dr.-Ing.

Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), Head of Thermoplastic Processing

Process development for series production

Filippatos, Angelos, Dr.-Ing.

Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK)

Industry 4.0: Cutting-edge structural diagnostics for lightweight engineering applications

Berner, Matthias, Dr. -Ing.

Leichtbauzentrum Sachsen GmbH, Division Manager Simulation and Method Development

Reliability of modern material and systems

Jäger, Hubert, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.

Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK), Chairman of the Board

Summary and closing adress


Alumni Evening

Partner country: Republic of Korea

Dresden and the surrounding region can look back on a long, intensive partnership with the Republic of Korea that has led to friendly cooperation on many different levels. To give an example, the Korea-Germany Materials Center (KGMC) in Changwon sees German and South Korean scientists jointly develop new material systems, manufacturing techniques, tailored engineering methods and test and validation procedures for applications in the field of “function-integrative lightweight engineering in multi-material design”.

The naming of the Republic of Korea as the partner country for the 22nd Dresden International Lightweight Engineering Symposium represents a further step on the path towards a long-term relationship characterised by the fruitful mutual exchange of scientific know-how and expertise.


Messering 6 | 01067 Dresden