25th International Dresden
Lightweight Engineering Symposium

June 39 - July 01, 2022

Neutral lightweight engineering – routes to a world in balance

Sustainable management of our planet’s resources can only be achieved by reducing consumption to the bare minimum. This does not necessarily require strict asceticism, but in any case a conscious use of the valuable materials that are only finitely available. The necessary approaches and solutions have always been at the core of modern lightweight system engineering, as developed in Dresden in the early 1990s. Climate-friendly lightweighting technologies are one of the most powerful levers for the industrial future of our society in a social and ecological market economy.

We must meet the special challenges that lie ahead of us all with ambitious and courageous goals. Already in 2017, the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK) at TU Dresden has therefore committed itself to research environmentally neutral and globally fair product and process design with a view to neutral lightweight engineering. The derived research fields reach far beyond the current state of the art. In addition to the major challenges, however, there is also broad potential for research, development and, above all, application in the coming decades.

After two pandemic years, we wish for face-to-face meetings this year at the 25th International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium to outline and discuss the paths to a liveable future together with our partners from science, industry and politics. Under the special bias of the anniversary, we are looking forward to numerous top-class lectures and more than 300 guests who, with their deep insights and valuable contributions, will help to shape this still unwritten future of lightweight engineering. Particularly, we are looking forward to presentations that use concrete examples to show how we can use economic driving forces as catalysts for environmental protection and resource conservation in the future. Only in this way, we will succeed in using limited resources to create a liveable, socially fairer world for the next generations.

The International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium 2022 will focus on forward-looking socio-eco-technological ideas and innovations that implement the triad of humans, technology and environment in an exemplary manner. This year’s motto is „Neutral lightweight engineering – Ways to a world in balance“, which unites the keynote lectures and specialized lectures in order to provide you with new approaches and concrete ideas for your own actions in line with neutral lightweight engineering.


THURSDAY, 30.06.2022

National Lightweight Validation Center (LEIV)│Leichtbau-Campus Universelle Werke, Zwickauer Straße 48, 01069 Dresden

Plenary session

09:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, Member of the Board


09:10 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Ursula M. Staudinger

TU Dresden, Rector


09:20 Uhr
Thomas Kralinski

Saxon State Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport, State Secretary


09:30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Edeltraud Günther

UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Ressources, Director

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a Management Task of Controlling

09:55 Uhr
Dr. Thomas Becker

BMW Group, Vice President Sustainability, Mobility

BMW Group sustainability strategy

10:20 Uhr
Dr. Peter Wehle

Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG, Head of Innovation and Research and Technology

Efficient implementation of technological innovations for climate-friendly aviation

10:45 Uhr


11:10 Uhr
Dr. Thomas Walther

ARBURG GmbH & Co KG, Head of Application & Process Development

Building blocks for a holistic sustainability in plastic injection molding

11:35 Uhr
Peter Laichinger 1, Harri Dittmar 2

1ElringKlinger AG, Business Development Lightweight, Leader

2 ElringKlinger AG, Business Development Lightweight, consultant (Dittmar Engineering GmbH)

Recycling strategies in the light of the automotive transformation process

12:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Michael Beckmann

TU Dresden, Institute of Process Engineering and Environmental Technology, Chair of Energy Process Engineering, Director of the Institute

Circular economy through synergetic network of material and energy flows *

12:25 Uhr

Lunch break

13:30 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Jens Gutzmer

Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Helmholtz Institute Freiberg for Resource Technology, Director

How less becomes more: Resource use and recycling

13:55 Uhr
Dr. Oliver Schauerte

Volkswagen AG, Director Materials and Vehicle Projects

New lightweight solutions at the crossroads of e-mobility, circular economy and carbon footprint *

14:20 Uhr
Dr. Carsten Holste

Mannesmann Line Pipe GmbH, Managing Director

Steel pipes for hydrogen applications - ideal products for sustainable CO2 reduction *

14:45 Uhr


15:10 Uhr
Dr. Philippe Dumazet

SABIC, T&I Research Fellow

Vision towards a green and digital polymer value chain – Opportunities and challenges

15:35 Uhr
Dr. Kay-Uwe Hörl 1, Alexander Knorr 2

Elbe Flugzeugwerke GmbH,
1 Chief Corporate Officer,
2 R&D Coordinator

Sustainability issues in the aircraft life cycle *

16:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Maik Gude

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, Board Spokesperson

National Lightweight Engineering Validation Center (LEIV) – A step towards the Key Strategic Orientation (KSO): „Making Europe the first digitally enabled circular, climate-neutral and sustainable economy.“

16:25 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering, Member of the Board

Summary and awarding of the ACL Young Talents

FRIDAY, 01.07.2022

Lightweight Engineering Campus Johannstadt

Session 1: Resource-efficient lightweight engineering technologies

Process Development Center (PEZ)│Holbeinstraße 6, 01307 Dresden, Germany

9:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering, Member of the Board


9:10 Uhr
Dr. Daniel Weck

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Research Associate

Potentials of extended reality applications for resource-efficient process chains

9:35 Uhr
Eric Trebeck

Co-authors: Prof. Dr. H. Lieberwirth 1, Dr. H.G. Jäckel, Dr. T. Krampitz

TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Institute of Mineral Processing Machines, 1 Head of the Institute

The recycling of lithium iron phosphate batteries and measures to reduce the potential hazard during comminution *

10:00 Uhr
Dr. Robert Kupfer

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Research Associate, Head of Neutral Lightweigt Engineering

Recycling-adapted multi-material design for lightweight components*

10:25 Uhr
Dr. Christian Garthaus

herone GmbH

Can thermoplastic composites enable future mobility?

10:50 Uhr


11:15 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Alexander Brosius 1

Co-authors: Prof. Dr. Gerson Meschut 2, Prof. Dr. Marion Merklein 3

1 TU Dresden, Institute of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Chair of Forming Processes, Institute DirectorChair

2 Padernborn University, Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems, Research Group Materials and Joining Technology, Head of Institute

3 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Faculty of Engineering – Department of Mechanical Engineering Institute of Manufacturing Technology

Versatile joining technology - an essential component of resource-efficient production *

11:40 Uhr
Alexander Liebsch

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Research Associate

LIGNOBRAID - Customised lightweight hollow profiles made of wood *

12:05 Uhr
Simon Wehler

Volkswagen AG

Development of an integrative process-structure simulation strategy for crash-loaded fibre-reinforced lightweight structures

12:30 Uhr

Lunch break

13:30 Uhr
Richard Kupke

SURAGUS GmbH, Director Product Management

Challenges in non-destructive testing of carbon fiber. Eddy current an innovative solution?

13:55 Uhr
Thomas Pauly

Wӓrtsilӓ Shaft Line Solutions, General Manager, Future Portfolio & Market Intelligence

Developing maritime components by using resource efficientadditive production technologies*

14:20 Uhr
Thomas Joachim

FRIMO GmbH, Director Sales, Center of Competence Form & Punch

Inline hybridisation: combining metal die casting and plastic injection moulding using the DuoCast system - potentials and challenges*

14:45 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Niels Modler

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Function-Integrative Lightweight Engineering, Member of the Board


18:30 Uhr

Evening event at the Lingnerschlosss

Session 2: Mobility of the future

Polymer Application Center (KAZ)│Marschnerstraße 30, 01307 Dresden, Germany

09:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Maik Gude

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, Board Spokesperson


09:10 Uhr
Tobias Lebelt

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Research Associate, Head of Thermoplastic processing

Thermoplastic multi-cell pressure vessels for hydrogen storage – design, manufacturing and testing

Prof. Dr. Lars Enghardt

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt. German Aerospace Center, Institute of Electrified Aero Engines, Director

State-overarching aviation cluster of eastern Germany for the development of future, climate-friendly aircraft

10:00 Uhr
Nicolai Neumann 1,
Prof. Dr. Dieter Peitsch 2

TU Berlin, Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautic, 1 Research associate,
2 Chair for Aero Engines

Alternative propulsion technologies for climate-friendly aviation

10:25 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Johannes Markmiller

TU Dresden, Institute of Aerospace Engineering, Chair of Aircraft Engineering

Modular research aircraft for the demonstration of climate-friendly propulsion technology*

10:50 Uhr


11:15 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Wojciech Moczulski,
Prof. Dr. Wojciech Skarka

Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Model Based Systems Engineering – Key Competence for the Development of Climate-friendly Vehicles

11:40 Uhr
Mario Nowack

Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH, Technology Manager Automated Driving *

Automated bus shuttle to demonstrate driverless public transport operation in public transport areas

12:05 Uhr
Florian Kalleder 1, Christian Ohms 2

1 Infineon Technologies AG

2 Mercedes-Benz AG

1000kmPLUS: Scalable European Powertrain Technology Platform for Cost-Efficient Electric Vehicles to Connect Europe

12:30 Uhr

Lunch break

13:30 Uhr
Alexander Wünsche

HÖRMANN Vehicle Engineering GmbH, Head of System Design and Calculation

Hydrogen-powered Tram *

13:55 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Arnd Stephan

TU Dresden, Institute of Railway Vehicles and Railway Technology, Chair of Electric Railways, Head of Institute

Potentials of hydrogen-powered drive systems for rail vehicles *

14:20 Uhr
Lambros Nakos 1,
Dr. Angelos Filippatos 2,
Dr. Ioannis Ergas 3

1 HYDRUS Engineering S.A., Executive Director, 2 TU Dresden, Dresden Center for Intelligent Materials (DCIM), Group Leader Hierarchical Topologies,
3 WEGEMT, Research Director

Safe and Efficient Storage of Ammonia within Ships

14:45 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Maik Gude

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, Board Spokesperson


Session 3: Dresden Lightweight Alumni – Trend-Setting Across All Industries

Lightweight Structures Innovation Center (LIZ), CAD-PoolDürerstraße 28, 01307 Dresden, Germany

09:00 Uhr
Dr. Mike Thieme

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Research Associate


09:10 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Martin Dannemann 1,
Prof. Dr. Ercan Altinsoy 2

1 Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau, Institute of Energy and Transport Engineering

2 TU Dresden, Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication, Chair of Acoustics and Haptics

Does more electromobility mean better urban quality of life due to less noise? *

09:35 Uhr
Julia Kaufhold

Sunfire GmbH, Manager Project Coordination

Synthetic Fuels - Promising Solutions for the Decarbonization of the Transport Sector*

10:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Lothar Kroll 1, Dr. Stefan Hoyer 2

TU Chemnitz, Institute of Lightweight Structures, 1 Head of Institute, 2 Research Associate

Recycling of in-house residual materials *

10:25 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Anna Timofiejczuk

Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technology, Dekanin

Silesian Competence Center Industry 4.0. Model Based Systems Engineering – Key Competence for the Development of Climate-friendly Vehicles

10:50 Uhr


11:15 Uhr
Christian Prescher

Strucnamics Engineering GmbH

Industrial software application for data-based monitoring of composite process chains *

11:40 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Robert Böhm 1,
Dr. Thomas Behnisch 2

1HTWK, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences

2 TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Research Associate, Head of Novel Materials and Special Processes

Structural batteries - Ultralight composite structures with integrated electrical storage function *

12:05 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Matthias Berner 1,
Ralph Bochynek 2

1 Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau

2 Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH, Head of Materials, Component and System Testing

Simulation as the key to neutral lightweight engineering

12:30 Uhr

Lunch break

13:30 Uhr
Dr. Andreas Ulbricht 1

Co-authors: Franz Bilkenroth, Alexandra Otto, Sepp Renner

CG Rail GmbH, 1 Chief Executive Officer

High-performance lightweight materials for rail vehicles of the future

13:55 Uhr
Dr. Florian Lenz 1,
Henriette Morgenstern 2

Cevotec GmbH, 1 Technical Director,
2 Technical Marketing & Business Development Managerin

Fiber Patch Placement – Automation solutions for complex composites

14:20 Uhr
Dr. Andrzej Czulak 1, Jacek Sykulski 2

1 Carbon Design Sp. z o.o., CEO / Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies, Leader

2 Carbon Design Sp. z o.o., CTO / Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies, Project Manager

Forged carbon composites for structural bicycle applications

14:45 Uhr
Dr. Mike Thieme

TU Dresden, Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology, Research Associate


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